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If you’ve received a letter from Zwicker and Associates, there’s a pretty good chance a credit card company is thinking about suing you for an unpaid bill — probably American Express, Discover or Chase.
So, what’s the best way dealing with Zwicker and Associates?
Well, the last thing you want to do is ignore them because the situation will likely escalate and get worse.
But don’t panic. There are solutions.
Here are some recent settlements we've negotiated with Zwicker & Associates for our clients with past due American Express accounts:
Get a Letter from Zwicker and Associates?
Here’s what do …
American Express – If American Express sent your account to Zwicker and Associates it’s highly likely to result in a lawsuit because American Express is one of the most aggressive creditors. I’ve seen accounts barely 60 days delinquent end up with Zwicker’s office for the purpose of litigation.
If you can afford to resolve your past due American Express account with Zwicker before a lawsuit is filed, this is your best option. Of course it depends on the stage of delinquency. You see, Zwicker & Associates is limited on what they can do by how far delinquent your account is. Below you’ll find actual notes on an an account that our office settled with Zwicker & Associates:
SETTLEMENT AMOUNT $21,600.00 (via 24 monthly installments of $900.00 due on the 28th of every month)
AMOUNT SAVED $32,110.79
Want to talk with us about your American Express with Zwicker and Associates? Contact our office for a free, confidential phone consultation.
If you’re in a position financially to accept a settlement, you’ll probably get the best results hiring a debt settlement professional since they’re familiar with American Express settlement guidelines and they have established relationships with many of the collection agencies and law firms that represent American Express. (Sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know.)
Can you attempt settlement on your own? Absolutely. However, our experience is that most people just aren’t good negotiators.
By retaining a debt settlement professional (like Donaldson Williams) you avoid having to deal with Zwicker and Associates. In addition, your net settlement result is usually better than what you could’ve negotiated yourself — even when you factor in our fee.
If you’d like to talk about your situation and your options, feel free to contact our office.
Discover Financial Services – If your Discover account was turned over to Zwicker and Associates they may or may not sue you. However, once a Discover account ends up with Zwicker, if you want to settle the account, don’t expect to settle for much less than 80% of the balance – at this time. I emphasize “at this time” because as of this writing, we are getting settlements with other collection law firms settling Discover accounts for approximately 50% of the balance. It is my assumption that Zwicker & Associates will start to follow suit.
If you’d like to discuss your situation and options regarding your Discover account which has been placed with Zwicker & Associates, please contact us.
Chase Card Services – If you have a Chase account that was assigned to Zwicker and Associates, there’s a 50/50 chance you will be sued. If you believe you’ll eventually be able to come up with enough money to settle your account (probably around 40%-50% of the balance), but you don’t have these funds immediately, don’t worry – you have some time. Once Zwicker contacts you with a letter, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act prohibits collection agencies and law firms from taking any legal action until after 30 days from the date of their original letter.
If you receive a summons stating that Zwicker & Associates is suing you on behalf of Chase, you should file an answer to avoid a default judgment. After doing so, you’ll receive a court date in the mail. But, there’s a good chance you’ll never need to appear in court as long as you make the necessary arrangements to pay off your account via debt settlement prior to that assigned court date. Assuming you can negotiate a voluntary settlement, part of the agreement will be to have the lawsuit dismissed.
If you do not have sufficient funds to settle your delinquent Chase account, an alternate solution is to work out a monthly payment plan. Of course, you’ll have to work things out directly with Zwicker & Associates because once your account is assigned to Zwicker & Associates, Chase is out of the picture.
Please feel free to contact our office if you’d like to discuss your delinquent Chase account and your available options.
Have you received a letter from Zwicker & Associates for a creditor not listed above?
If Zwicker & Associates is contacting you for an account not listed above, feel free to contact our office for additional information. You will not receive a high-pressure sales pitch to hire our firm. Instead, we’ll give you honest, straightforward advice and recommendations.
Hopefully you found this information helpful. If you need additional information about the best way to deal with Zwicker & Associates, feel free to contact us.
I owe 9431to did or and just got served by Zwicker and associates what are the chances of me getting it resolved with a favorable settlement I have 3000 I can pay immediately. Im in the freedom debt relief program.
Hi Joseph,
If handled correctly, there is a very good chance that your account can be settled for a very reduced amount.
If you’d like more information, feel free to email me at marie@donaldsonwilliams.com
Thanks so much.
I have been with Clear One Advantage and have only one card outstanding, Discover. Over a year ago, that debt was moved to Zwicker & Asso. I feel Clear One is giving me the run around. They collect their 25% upfront for any debt they settle. That being said, I asked what is the status of this settlement being negotiated. Was told today it was just moved to Zwicker & Ass. and they have to wait. I know that is not true. I am not trying to dispute debt, just to start paying it monthly. Would Z&A work directly with me if I contacted them for a monthly settlement? I could then put the 25% Clear One is going to collect towards this? Debt Cons. Companies say do not contact the creditor. Just want to do the right thing.
Yes, you can work directly with Zwicker & Associates; however, beware – it won’t be easy, and it may take several calls to get them to agree to whatever payment it is that you can afford.
If you should have any questions regarding your negotiations with Zwicker & Associates, feel free to email me at marie@donaldsonwilliams.com.
Wishing you the best!
I currently owe $11k to Discover and have been in default for a year after going through a debt consolidation program.
I just received a civil suit notification from my Sheriff from Zwicker & Associates. I did not receive a court date and have 20 days to respond.
I am petrified and have never been in a situation like this.
After faithfully paying my discover card for many years I had a drastic reduction in income after the birth of my child who has medical needs and we have have a very high health insurance deductible. My child’s health came before all else.
I do not want to go to court but can not afford to pay a large lump sum or even high monthly payments.
What am I looking at with Zwicker ? Do they ever do low monthly payment plans ?
I truly do not know where to go from here. I really can only afford to maybe pay $100-$200 per month towards this debt.
It’s going to be difficult to get Zwicker to accept $100-$200 per month on an account with a balance of $11,000. They may, however, accept lower monthly payments if you agree to increase the payments at a later date.
If you should have any questions please feel free to email me at marie@donaldsonwilliams.com.
Thanks so much.
Hello. I owe about 18K to Discover and I can afford making any more monthly payments. How likely will them settle this account? Is this amount very appealing to them to consider suing me? I have not defaulted it yet?
It seems as though we are seeing most delinquent Discover accounts being placed with a law firm for the purpose of litigation.
If you can no longer continue making monthly payments you’ll have no choice but to default and let the account go into a delinquency status. If funds materialize for settlement within the next six months it would be in your best interest to settle. If this is not feasible, Discover will agree to lower your monthly payments and interest rate – AFTER the account goes delinquent. If you’d like further information feel free to contact our office to discuss this matter.
Thanks so much. Have a good day.
Marie Megge
I received a letter from Zwicker and associates yesterday for synchrony bank for Jcpenney
I just owe 4,0979.93.
I talked with a lady name Maria
First she asked her $1000.00
I told her that I didn’t have it
Than she asked me can get it from someone. I told her no so I am going to have to sale somethings
Than she said that she will call me on Tuesday again.
Hi Ms. A,
Thanks so much for your inquiry.
Zwicker & Associates can be extremely difficult, but the accounts sent to this law firm can certainly be resolved. If “Maria” is willing to accept $1,000.00 to settle your account in full, with no further balance owed, I’d say this is a very appealing settlement. If this isn’t the case, “Maria” is going to have to come up with another plan. I suggest proposing a re-payment arrangement based on your affordability. It may take several phone calls, but eventually it can be accomplished.
Thanks again, Ms. A. I wish you the very best.